
Showing posts from March, 2021

I don't know

I have been sleeping ok the last couple of days but just sitting here at night, the anxiety creeps in and then the headaches/aches and pains as well. I am getting a lot of cards, flowers, help, etc. and I am thankful for it all but I'd rather not be needing all this attention. All the details are so overwhelming and I keep thinking "Oh that would be something Brandyn would handle.."  I have no idea what I am going to do when there aren't so many details to take care of...

Time drags/flies on

 The last couple days have been filled with anger and frustration at outside sources, to the point that I didn't realize right away that today was the last day things were 'normal'. I mixed things up with some cleaning, and also took my 16 year old to the zoo while my youngest was at school.  We actually had a good conversation on the way there, been quite a while since we just talked and she was actually discussing issues rationally, not her usual 'it is _______ because I say it is'. It was a good mid-day today.

Back at this...

 Well I know it's been forever since I posted here but after recent events, I felt it was a good time to start this up again as therapy. Friday afternoon/evening, things were normal - the kids were on their computers, Brandyn was joking with me as I was going to bed and everything was good or so I thought.  I woke up Saturday around 6am, again just like normal, but things were not right at all. I made it to the kitchen to find my husband, my love, my life - he had passed. I was lost from that moment on, some of the responders did not help things much at all (I know they deal with this stuff all the time but still...).  I have been overwhelmed by all there is to do, but just as overwhelmed by all the help people are providing; all the help my brother in law has been with the arrangements, financial stuff, etc., church family and co-workers providing food and other basics for me and our kids, neighbors offering help - my heart is full with all the love others have shown. I am so than