How I met...

 About 20 years ago, I was spending my free time chatting with people from various places on IRC (online chat rooms) when I 'met' someone who was looking for someone to be his partner on Yahoo euchre. I had no idea how to play, and I don't remember what prompted me to offer to play but he took the time to teach me how to play. Our friendship grew from there, eventually leading to him getting on a bus to come and visit me in the summer of 2000. 

The day he was supposed to arrive, I drove to the bus station and waited for quite a while only to not see him. I drove back home, upset that he just wasn't coming. I got a call, he had a transfer issue and ended up taking the train so back I went to see if he actually made it. I pulled up to the train station and finally saw him walking to my car. We spent the weekend exploring my small home town, our time capped off with him trying to convince me to go back to Wisconsin with him when he was set to leave. I resisted, and there were a few more visits back and forth, until I finally agreed to move. 

Our start was a rocky one, more than once he tried to get me to go back home until he was able to provide for me better but I stuck it out. We had ups and downs like anyone else but in 2004 we were blessed with a daughter and got married that year. He had always told me from the moment he saw my car pull up to the train station, he knew that I was the one he would marry. Our family grew in 2007, with the birth of our second daughter. We still had some 'down' times, where things didn't seem to go well, but we always made it through.

We complimented each other - his mind was more for taking care of me and the kids, being their advocate - anything or any way to put me and the kids first, he did it; I was the one that needed to work, to provide for our family. I wouldn't change our lives for anything. Our time was cut short, but I am blessed to have had the time I did with him, and I thank God every day for bringing us together.


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