Answers to prayers
Some of this is related to a past post here: I have been frustrated with work until recently (that feeling still comes, but not as strong as it has been), trying to get out of the customer service department, applied for a job with another employer, all the while I kept praying for some direction on where I was supposed to be or at least contentment if I was were I was 'supposed' to be. I started putting a lot more focus on my home and family: keeping up with housework, trying to not lose my patience as much (yes, I still fail often on some of this), etc. I was half thinking of wanting to quit and just stay home.. I was at a loss on where my life was going. I think I'm finally finding contentment at home, most days anyway. A couple weeks ago, God gave me an answer on where I'm supposed to be in a fairly big way: everyone company-wide was getting a raise, but they went well above that for the custom...