Answers to prayers

Some of this is related to a past post here:

I have been frustrated with work until recently (that feeling still comes, but not as strong as it has been), trying to get out of the customer service department, applied for a job with another employer, all the while I kept praying for some direction on where I was supposed to be or at least contentment if I was were I was 'supposed' to be.

I started putting a lot more focus on my home and family: keeping up with housework, trying to not lose my patience as much (yes, I still fail often on some of this), etc. I was half thinking of wanting to quit and just stay home.. I was at a loss on where my life was going.

I think I'm finally finding contentment at home, most days anyway. A couple weeks ago, God gave me an answer on where I'm supposed to be in a fairly big way: everyone company-wide was getting a raise, but they went well above that for the customer service department. We now have different tiers within customer service depending on if you are in training and then how long a person has been working there. When I got my letter detailing my new hourly wage.. I'll just say, when I showed my husband, he asked if I was still frustrated with working there. No! Not anymore - and there's also the chance, whenever they officially post it, to become a senior customer service rep.

So things at home and work are going well, most days, I still have a sinful nature that trips me up and we are still in a sinful world but I'm trying to not let that get me down - with God's help of course. I have been given so much: this job that lets me help many people every day, sometimes above and beyond the 'normal' stuff; a great house; a great family; a great church family, which gives me some ways to serve others outside of my job; the list goes on..

I was able to participate in another Mission Days at work today. While last year's session was introspective (I got a lot out of that one), this year's theme was "Shine" and focused on how to serve others, through the work we do as a company and in the community we live as well. While not as powerful and moving as last year's, I did take away some good things. There was a presentation about Team Triumph: what they do, one of the captain/angel pairs was there - they will be participating in this year's Ironman as a team with 2 other people. It got me thinking about serving others, possibly though that organization in some capacity.That particular idea may not pan out, but there's definitely been a seed planted. Hopefully, something will come of it, God (and my family) willing.

It seems things are slowly coming into view as to where I need to be and what I need to be doing. God definitely answers prayers in His own way and His own time, but He does answer them.


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