Always growing in grace
I've been getting lots of reminders of grace this week from different places. They all came to be wrapped up with each other today. I had the opportunity to go to something called Mission Days at work, focusing on resilience. I went, not knowing if I would get anything out of it other than 4 hours away from the office and free breakfast. I got that, and a lot more. A lot of the content was about meditation and different ways to stay positive in the face of negativity or stressful situations. We were led on a meditation where we were to use different ways to push the bad things out of our bodies. It wasn't totally based on any religion, so that everyone could use the techniques but the person doing the presenting had a mainly Christian focus (or that's the focus I was using). The technique was to breathe in the light, and use the light to push out the bad as whatever you wanted to picture it as; use an anchor word (the words I wrote down to use were God, Father, grace) such ...