Taking this up again

I decided to start up this blog again, after some things happened that I am still struggling with. I used to keep a written journal years ago and it was therapeutic for me, so hopefully this will be good, at least for me.

"What would I do?" is one of the thoughts that was going through my head after the latest mass shooting.. would I admit to being a Christian in the face of a gunman.. that put me into a tailspin of doubt and guilt which has lessened but is still there. I know that is because of our sinful nature and that I have forgiveness through what Jesus did for me (and all of us). Even with that knowledge, I still fear death coming, mainly before I am ready, but also in general - there is still a small, nagging doubt that I won't go/there is no heaven.

I keep myself in the Word, but am still growing in my faith. I have to keep reminding myself that we are all broken, imperfect and nothing we can do will change this - but we don't have to. It's not always an easy thing to remember.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

This is the verse I need to keep in mind always, at this time. Worry is one of my crutches, but has been somewhat absent until recently. It is easy enough to say I give my cares and worry to God, but am I really?


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