
"Make us patient
Dear God, heavenly Father, all too often we are quick to become frustrated and angry. Make us patient, ready to endure trials that come our way, knowing you will work things for our good. Make us patient, willing to continue, believing your promise that we can do great things for you. Make us patient, bearing with others in their weaknesses and sin, realizing that we too are sinful creatures. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen."

"Deliver me
Heavenly Father, you are my harbor of safety in the storms of life, my rock that I cling to for salvation, and my Redeemer who alone can save me from destruction. Take notice of my need, and reach out your hand to save me from my hurts and afflicts. Do not let my trouble overwhelm me. Strengthen and encourage me, save and deliver me, and cleanse me from sin. Amen."

This is mainly a placeholder for a couple of prayers I need at the moment, from to get through things I am struggling with. I'm trying to let go of my impatience, anger, my judging nature, to name a few - progress comes and goes but with God's help I will get there.


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