negative speak

I keep falling into the trap of letting my tongue run wild, or more specifically, my fingers. I can't help but talk negatively about people (usually behind their backs). I know I wouldn't like it if I was on the other end of it, from first hand experience but that doesn't stop me. I still continue to let out a stream of negativity about co-workers, this behavior is usually spurred on by conversations with certain other co-workers but is not productive or helpful. I keep Bible verses hung up around my desk to remind me against this, but it doesn't always help. I have put aside praying about this for the time being, not sure why, it is still a very big 'pet' sin of mine that I need help to fight every day. It's not easy to break away from, it is a hopeless cycle that I wish I could break but know I can't do it alone - only with God's help. I am not sure if I need to stop talking to certain people or just avoid conversation when it turns to being about someone else.

My prayer in this, as it should be: Father help me to tame my speech against other people - let me be loving in my speech to (and about) others as I am to You in prayer.


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